Event News
Featuring authors Cara Benson, Greg Betts, Evan Kennedy, Camille Martin, Gregory Pardlo, publisher Jay Millar, others!
December 29 2-4pm
Bowery Poetry Club 308
Bowery @ Bleecker, right across from CBGB's
F train to Second Ave 6 train to Bleecker 212-614-0505
BookThug is an Independent publisher of chapbooks and trade books of poetry and poetically minded literature. Sold through Apollinaire's Bookshoppe, specializing in 20th century literature. Emphasis is given to poetry, smallpress, the experimental and the ephemeral. Apollinaire's is also responsible for the distribution of BookThug, a small press that publishes contemporary innovative poetry. It’s true that the books on our shelves are not for just anyone -- but we'd certainly like to encourage you to become someone today.